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If you’re interested in maximizing your opportunity to engage with the dual-eligible population, now’s the time.

Starting in 2025, people who have DSNPs will be able to switch plans on a monthly basis. But there is a caveat. Members are only permitted to switch to a Fully Integrated Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (FIDE SNP) or a Highly Integrated Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (HIDE SNP).

If you offer a FIDE SNP, a HIDE SNP, or both, member retention is important (as always), but there’s a greater opportunity for acquisition given that there will be fewer plans for consumers to switch to — and they’ll be able to switch more frequently.

On the other hand, if you don’t offer a FIDE SNP or a HIDE SNP, it’s critical to focus on acquisition now and during this year’s Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) to make the most of enrollment opportunities before the new rules go into place. Use the strategies below to help you engage this unique audience and fill your lead pipeline.

10 strategies to convert DSNP prospects

Dual-eligible individuals are likely to live below the poverty line, have transportation needs, and require long-term services and supports (LTSS). Successful enrollment in a DSNP can help them get benefits they may not get from Medicare or Medicaid alone, receive more coordinated care, maximize their coverage, and more.

Here are ten strategies to appeal to the DSNP audience specifically:

1. Launch an omnichannel campaign
A cohesive omnichannel campaign featuring direct mail, digital, and direct TV components is most effective in engaging this audience, their caregivers, and community influencers. A social media campaign is especially important when marketing to this population. See the recent blog post by DMW’s Jenn Smith for more on marketing to the 65+ audience online.

2. Position relevant plan benefits
In lieu of brand messaging or vague health care language, talk about plan benefits that especially appeal to the dual-eligible audience: dental, transportation, food, and vision.

3. Be mindful of diversity
Because some individuals under age 65 can qualify for Medicare if they have a certain disability, not everyone in your DSNP target audience will be an older adult. Consider your audience’s age at every step.

4. Explore transcreation opportunities
This is especially valuable when marketing to regions in which English isn’t the primary language spoken at home. (Stay tuned for an upcoming blog post about the transcreation process. To ensure you don’t miss a blog post, sign up for our newsletter.)

5. Speak to more than your end user
Include marketing materials or callouts directed at caregivers — they’re often the ones making decisions for people in this population.

6. Make your message as clear as possible
According to industry research from several sources (compiled in this article by Ann Wylie), the best reading level for health information is fifth grade. But when you factor in other variables — such as reading on a mobile device, the potential for poor health and vision, a decline in reading skills over time, and people’s preference for reading below their capacity — it’s smart to aim for messages at a fourth grade reading level or below.

7. Use images and pictures that engage prospects
Feature pictures that show people using the benefits you’re highlighting. For example, show people shopping for groceries, at the dentist or picking out eyeglasses, etc.

For more on using photography to drive response rates, check out this blog post by DMW’s Sean Clark.

8. Feature Medicare and Medicaid cards whenever possible
This immediately lets your audience know that you’re advertising a product that’s relevant to their everyday lives.

9. Stress the fact that when an individual enrolls in a DSNP, they will not lose any of their current benefits
Any benefits they receive from their DSNP will be in addition to the benefits they already get. Reiterating this message is important and can help clear up confusion that may prevent someone from enrolling.

In the first digital ad example, we highlight a popular benefit. In the second, we showcase Medicare and Medicaid cards and reaffirm that individuals will not lose any of their current benefits.

10. Offer the option to call or meet with a representative
One-on-one support is key to converting DSNP prospects and leads into clients.

Trust DMW to market your DSNP

We’ve been executing successful omnichannel Medicare marketing campaigns for four decades, and we’d love to partner with you. From strategy and creative to analytics and production, we’re here to help. Get in touch!