Bringing home a big win for a local Medicare plan launch

Industry: Health Insurance

Peak Advantage Medicare: proving the value of provider partners

Peak Health is a health insurer headquartered in Morgantown, West Virginia. As a truly local plan, they are dedicated to offering a new approach to health care designed for its communities and delivered by local providers. With that model in mind, they partnered with DMW to help launch their new Medicare Advantage (MA) products.

Amid the flood of marketing from competing plans during the Annual Enrollment Period, Peak needed to carve out their own space as a trusted provider of Medicare coverage for area residents. But as a provider-backed plan, Peak had something others did not: strong ties to local doctors and hospitals. Its connection to two regional health system powerhouses — WVU Medicine and Marshall Health — made for the perfect platform to turn this new offering into a true Action Brand™.

The Result

DMW was engaged in the launch early on, developing the plan name — Peak Advantage — its logo mark, and subsequent branded materials. Leaning into the parent Peak Health brand but using elements that were distinct and unique for its MA offering ensured it stood out beyond general advertising.

The omnichannel AEP campaign “Right at Home” was visually disruptive in its presentation, but it had a “folksy” undertone that made it warm and familiar to its rural-state audience. Phrases like “Come Home to Better Medicare” paired with regional imagery and a state outline emphasized its roots. Testimonials from local physicians plus cobranding with its health system partners lent credibility to the benefit-forward highlights throughout.

The campaign was a big win for the home team. Peak Advantage hit enrollment goals for AEP with highlights including a low $238 CPL for DRTV and CPLs as low as $57 from digital ads.

Want to make your plan launch a hit with the locals? We should talk!