Get your 7-Point AEP Checklist

Now's the time to plan for more results with our AEP Action Checklist. Get it now!

Get your 7-Point AEP Action Checklist.

While your team was crunching to get last year’s effort in market, we had already started looking ahead to Medicare marketing opportunities for the next AEP.

Now’s the perfect time to get a jump on discovering how to make your 2025 AEP a winner! We’ve prepared a 7-Point AEP Action Checklist to guide your planning.

Get your Checklist.

Learn how we can help you and your business reach a new level of success.

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Building Action Brands™
for health insurers across the country.

Dozens of regional plans have partnered with DMW for up to 20 years.
Learn from their success: build Action Brands™ to launch new products and triumph over national competitors.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Get more from your digital ad spend with a proven approach that relies on careful buying, optimization across channels, and a focus on generating highly targeted Medicare leads.

  • Digital Marketing
  • Web Strategy
  • Web Analytics & Reporting
  • Email Marketing & CRM
  • Data Processing & Fulfillment
  • Web Development
Marketing Analytics

Marketing Analytics

Let the DMW & Blend360 alliance work for you.

Our best-in-class modeling and forecasting locates the most profitable segments, identifies trends, and drives real-time results.

  • Data Strategy
  • Data Scoring & Modeling
  • Profiling & Segmentation
  • Media Mix Optimization
  • Churn Analysis
  • Data Governance
  • Database Development
Media Services

Media Services

Our integrated media experts will not only create a winning media plan, they’ll continuously monitor results and fine-tune media buys to ensure maximum impact for your budget.

  • Media Strategy
  • Media Planning & Buying
  • List Brokerage
  • Campaign Management
  • Analysis & Reporting


Sometimes Direct Response TV can be nice, pretty or funny too. Sometimes, more hard-sell works better. We’ll single out your targets, dramatize a benefit, convince, cajole and compel the desired action — response!